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As the Price of Oil Drops, Calgary Oil Companies Need to Cut Costs

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Maximize Your IT Investment by Outsourcing versus Hiring Internal IT Staff

calgary oil company

As the price of oil plummets, Alberta is preparing for a major downturn in the economy. Are you ready to do what it takes to minimize overhead and maximize effective spending so you’re not dragged under with struggling oil companies?

The Canadian government believes that if the price of oil stays as low as it currently is, Alberta’s bottom line could be $11 billion poorer over the next two years alone.

All types of businesses in Calgary are being affected, whether they’re real estate agencies, dental practices, banks, and, of course, energy companies. Concerns have been raised recently regarding oil patch companies defaulting on their loans, which would cause a domino effect resulting in a huge burden for banks and major repercussions for the economy.

So what’s the link between the plummeting price of oil and your business IT costs?

Because of these uncertain times, you need to start assessing where your business can cut expenses. Are you spending your budget dollars wisely? How do you keep vital operations running at their best while reducing overhead? You need to keep employees productive and lines of communication open, but maintaining a full internal IT staff is a big expense.

Outsource your IT to Caffeinated Computer Consulting to not only optimize expenses, but also see other operations made more efficient and cost-effective too.

Not only will switching from internal IT support to outsourcing save you money, it will also streamline efficiency and keep your system safer than ever. If you currently rely on in-house IT support to maintain technology, switching to Caffeinated Computer Consulting to provide your tech support is a great way to get a handle on costs:

  1. Remove the costly expenses that come along with employing in-house technicians (including benefits, vacation time and sick leave). Most Calgary companies spend between $80,000 and $125,000 annually on each IT resource. Your outsourced IT company handles everything for a flat-rate monthly fee, with no HR cost – and you get all the benefits.
  2. Ensure that your system is running at peak performance at all times, constantly keeping you monitored and up to date. That means no costly downtime wasting employee time (and your payroll dollars).
  3. Save expenses on hardware, software, and licenses by providing only the technologies your business needs. Spend your IT budget wisely and see a better return on your investment.
  4. Switch to predictable operating expenses with a managed services plan, making it easy to budget every month AND letting you claim great tax benefits.
  5. Ensure all your data is backed up and your systems are protected from cybercrime, so you don’t lose time, money, and reputation on easily prevented data breaches.
  6. Consult with Caffeinated Computer Consulting as your outsourced Chief Information Officer to receive guidance on IT financing, tracking staff and IT performance, and coordinating with vendors to receive the best possible pricing on equipment.

Get ahead of the curve and streamline your business sooner rather than later – or you’ll find yourself cutting corners and closing doors.

Don’t let the dropping price of oil get you down. Save costs, maximize your budget, and improve efficiency with the Calgary IT solutions of Caffeinated Computer Consulting. Contact our team of IT professionals at (403) 775-7444 or to find out how amazing outsourcing your IT will be.

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