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Did You Know? There Are Viruses Out There That Will Make You Pay!

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Look Out For Cryptolocker Viruses That Hold YOUR Data For Ransom!


While any hack on your computer is a scary experience, can you imagine being ransomed for your own data? A new trend in digital attacks known as cryptolocker ransomware viruses doesn’t even bother with conventional goals of hacking. Whereas traditional hacks aim to  steal your data for use by identity thieves and other malicious parties, cryptolocking simply makes your data unusable to you unless you pay a price, often resulting in a multi-day downtime event. The key steps of a cryptolocker ransomware virus are:

  1. Infiltration.

By any of the methods normally used by hackers to gain access to your system (phishing, SPAM emails, password breaking, etc.), your computer is infected with a cryptolocker ransomware virus.

  1. Encryption.

Once in your system, the virus encrypts all your data, making it completely useless to you. Encryption encodes any information so that only an authorized party can read it, in this case, the hacker.

  1. Ransom.

Now that your data is readable only by the hacker, a ransom is leveraged against you. Unless you pay a price set by the hacker, all your data — whether personal on your home PC or work-based at your business computer — is essentially useless to you. What’s more, after a single successful infiltration, it only becomes easier for hackers to gain entrance to your system again through back doors that they can set up in the original hack. This means that even if you pay up once, they may very well return and encrypt your data for ransom again.

Your Digital Protection Matters.

Caffeinated Computer Consulting can help protect your Calgary business’ computer systems from cryptolocker ransomware viruses by configuring iron clad security measures in your system. Industry standard firewalls and regularly updated anti-virus software can to help prevent hackers from ever gaining entrance to your computer in the first place.

Get in touch with us to discuss specialized anti-cryptolocker and ransomware security solutions!  Protect your data with digital security services offered by Caffeinated Computer Consulting by contacting us today at (403) 775-7444 or

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