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Proactive IT: Dynamic Support for Your IT Needs

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Every organization needs a functioning IT infrastructure. Access to customer data, applications and finance info is critical to the success of any business. When systems fail, your employees, your customers and your bottom line suffer.

Proactive IT

The Problem With Reactive IT Management

Avoiding common problems that lead to IT system breakdown is possible for the vast majority of technical failures if a proactive IT service and management protocol is employed.

Computer problems have become so common that people are skeptical when we tell them that 95 percent of IT problems never have to happen. But the concept is no different from performing regular maintenance on any system, which most IT departments do not do.

Until recently, a reactive model of IT management has been an almost universal norm. Rather than performing regular checkups and maintenance, companies got in the habit of just waiting for something to go wrong and then fixing it after the fact. In the meantime, business continuity has broken down, which causes revenue streams and customer relations to also break down.

The cost of reactive IT is much greater than the proactive approach. It’s easy to see when you account for the lost profits that result from a breakdown in everyday business processes added on top of the cost to repair or replace a component that approaching IT service proactively is much less expensive.

What Is Proactive IT Management?

Proactive IT service and management means applying information technology expertise in such a way as to anticipate upcoming problems and to implement the solution before most breakdowns can occur. It means developing the client’s IT infrastructure so that it works in an optimal way in accordance with their business model, the nature of the brand and service. It also means responsiveness, whether solutions are delivered remotely or in person; fast delivery is an important part of what it means to deliver proactive IT management

By monitoring the client system’s performance and status, we maintain and evolve our customers’ networks into their optimal forms. We do this by implementing early-stage preventative technical maintenance. This allows us to identify and avoid issues before they interrupt the flow of your organization.

It’s too late to avoid the damage that is done once an outage occurs. Proactive IT is designed specifically to prevent damage to your systems and your revenue stream and to maintain the trust your customers place in you, which you have worked so hard to earn.

By taking the proactive approach to IT support, you will save money, time and your reputation; whereas, a reactive approach makes trouble all but a certainty.

Caffeinated Computer Consulting is the trusted choice when it comes to keeping up with the latest innovations in the IT industry. Contact us at (403) 775-7444 or send us an email at for more information.


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